Table of Contents
The Census of India 2011 was the 15th national census conducted by the Government of India. It was a comprehensive population count that provided valuable demographic data to aid in policymaking, resource allocation, and governance. The exercise collected data on population size, sex ratio, literacy rates, occupation, religion, and housing conditions across India’s 28 states and 8 union territories. The 2011 Census was remarkable for the introduction of technological advancements such as biometric data collection and online portals. The results of the Census helped in shaping development strategies and were pivotal for understanding India’s socio-economic landscape.
MCQs on Census
Q1. When was the first census held in India ?
A. 1858
B. 1876
C. 1872
D. 1889
Ans :C
🔰In 1872 AD, the first Census was done in India under the rule of Lord
The First Official Census in India was done in 1881 AD under Lord Rippon.
It was called the First synchronised census.
Q2. Which year is known as the year of demographic divide ?
A. 1929
B. 1956
C. 1921
D. 1974
Ans :C
🔰The year 1921 is regarded as the defining year for Indian demography.
It is also known as the year of the Great Divide, as population growth was scarce before that time.
After 1921, India’s population growth has remained consistent.
Q3. As per 2011 census, the State in India with the largest rural population?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Maharashtra
C. Punjab
D. Uttar Pradesh
Ans 😀
🔰According to 2011 census 68.84 % population in India lives in rural areas.
Uttar Pradesh has the largest proportion of rural population in India.
It has 155 million rural population. Governor- Anandiben Patel Chief Minister- Yogi Adityanath.
Q4. Which of the following is the state has negative population growth is according to Census 2011?
A. Kerala
B. Nagaland
C. Goa
D. Tamil Nadu
Ans :B
🔰According to census 2011, Nagaland’s population growth rate is – 0.58%.
Q5. As per 2011 Census, the State in India with the highest urban population ?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Maharashtra
C. Punjab
D. Uttar Pradesh
Ans :B
🔰According to census 2011 data, Maharashtra has the highest population of urban population of India which corresponds to 50.8 million accounts for 13.8% share to total urban population in the country.
Q6. According to Census 2011, which state has the highest population growth rate?
A. Meghalaya
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Bihar
D. Chhattisgarh
Ans :A
🔰Acc. To census 2011 for the growth percentage in the Indian states, Meghalaya comes up as the Indian state with optimum growth rate of 27.82%.
On the other hand, Nagaland shows the least percentage of growth.
Q7. According to Census 2011, which state has the highest population growth rate?
A. Meghalaya
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Bihar
D. Chhattisgarh
Ans :A
🔰Acc. To census 2011 for the growth percentage in the Indian states, Meghalaya comes up as the Indian state with optimum growth rate of 27.82%.
On the other hand, Nagaland shows the least percentage of growth.
Q8. According to Census 2011, which union territory has the highest population density?
A. Delhi
B. Chandigarh
C. Lakshadweep
D. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Ans 😀
Q9. According to the census 2011, which state has the highest density?
A. West Bengal
B. Delhi
C. Bihar
D. Kerala
Ans :C
🔰Delhi is the Union territory having the highest density of population followed by Chandigarh, Pondicherry, and Daman & Diu.
Q10. Who was the Governor-General when first census was held ?
A. Lord Mayo
B. Lord Dalhousie
C. Lord Ripon
D. Lord Minto
Ans :A
🔰First Census of India was taken in
the Year 1872.
It was held under The Governor- General of India/Viceroy of India Lord Mayo (1869-1872).
It was the first all India Census held in the country with help of W.W.Hunter
Q11. Who among the following is called as the “Father of Demographic studies” ?
A. Neil Adger
B. Tim Cresswell
C. Aryabhatt
D. Karl Marx
Ans 😀
🔰Karl Marx is called the father of Demographic Studies.
The motto of the 2011 Census was “Our Census, Our future”.
In India, the first Census was held in 1872 during the reign of Lord Mayo.
Q12. Which state has highest child sex ratio as per 2011 census ?
A. Manipur
B. West Bengal
C. Mizoram
D. Kerela
Ans :C
Q13. Which of the following earliest treaty used the term ‘census’ for the first time in India?
A. Akbaranama
B. Rajtarangini
C. Ain-e-Akbari
D. Arthashastra
Ans 😀
🔰Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, was the author of Arthashastra.
The Arthashastra contains the records of the Mauryan administration under Chandragupta Maurya.
Karl Marx is called the father of Demographic Studies.
Q14. Name the state having the highest percentage of literacy level ?
A. West Bengal
B. Maharashtra
C. Kerela
D. None of the above
Ans :C
🔰Kerala is the most literate state in India, with the highest literacy rate of 94 percent.
Q15. When did the National Population Policy come into effect ?
A. 2000
B. 1977
C. 2004
D. 1955
Ans :A
🔰The year 2000, the National Population Policy (NPP) provided the framework for a holistic planned effort.
It provides a policy framework for imparting free and compulsory school education up to 14 years of age. It also focuses on reducing infant mortality rate to below 30 per 1000 live births.
Q16. According to the census of 2011, which is the second most spoken language in India ?
a) Hindi
b) Telugu
c) Bengali
d) Marathi
Ans :C
🔰Hindi, with over 528 million native speakers was the most spoken
language across Indian homes, followed by Bengali with 97 million speakers, as of 2011 census data.
Q17. Which is the largest tribal group of India as per census M2011 ?
a) Bhil
b) Gond
c) Jarawa
d) Santhal
Ans :A
🔰Bhil is the largest tribal group in India as per 2011 Census.
They constitute approximately 38% of the total scheduled tribal population of India.
Bhil tribes are found in the states of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, as well as in Tripura.
Q18. Which one of the following Union Territories of India has the highest literacy rate?
a) Lakshadweep
b) Chandigarh
c) Daman & Diu
d) None of the above
Ans :A
🔰Among the Union Territories, Lakshadweep has the highest literacy
rate of 92.3%.
The male literacy rate is 96.1% whereas female literacy rate is 88.2%.
Q19. Which of the following is the most literate district in India as per Census 2011?
a) Kottayam
b) Serchhip
c) Champhai
d) Ernakulam
Ans :B
🔰Serchhip was the most literate district in India as per Census 2011. Serchhip is a city in the Indian state of Mizoram.
As per census data in 2011, the average literacy rate in Serchhip district was 98.23 %.
Q20. As per 2011 Census, the literacy rate of India was?
a) 72.02%
b) 72.80%
c) 74.04%
d) 75.60%
Ans :C
🔰The results of 2011 census reveal that there has been an increase in literacy in the country.
The literacy rate in the country is 74.04 per cent, 82.14 for males and 65.46 for females.
Q21`. According to 2011 census, which of the following states Mhas the largest rural population?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Maharashtra
c) Punjab
d) Uttar Pradesh
Ans 😀
🔰According to 2011 census 68.84 % population in India lives in rural areas.
Uttar Pradesh has the largest proportion of rural population in India.
It has 155 million rural population.
Q22. When did the 15th census of India take place ?
a) 1991
b) 2001
c) 2011
d) 2021
Ans :C
🔰The 2011 Census of India or the 15th Indian Census was conducted in two phases, house listing and population enumeration.
The House listing phase began on 1 April 2010 and involved the collection of information about all buildings.
Q23. Which Indian state has the lowest sex ratio according to MCensus 2011?
a) Bihar
b) Haryana
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Maharashtra
Ans :B
🔰In terms of state its Haryana that Mhas lowest sex ratio in India with figure of 879 females per 1000 males.
Q24. According to Census of 2011 Which is the most populated district of India?
a) Thane
b) Dewas
c) Patna
d) Jaipur
Ans :A
🔰Thane district of Maharashtra is the most populated district of India.
Dibang Valley of Arunachal Pradesh is the least populated.
Kurung Kumey of Arunachal Pradesh registered highest population growth rate of 111.01 percent.
Q25. Where does the largest part of the Indian workforce work according to Census 2011?
a) Agriculture sector
b) Industrial sector
c) Service sector
d) All of the above
Ans :A
🔰While 23.18 crore persons were employed in agriculture and allied sectors in 2011-12, 11.50 crore were employed in industries sector and 12.73 in the services sector.
Q26. According to the census 2011, which state has the highest density?
a) West Bengal
b) Delhi
c) Bihar
d) Kerala
Ans :C
🔰The records of population density 2011 of India state that the density 2011 has increased from a figure of 324 to that of 382 per square kilometer.
Bihar is the most thickly populated state (1106 persons/sq km.) followed by west bengal-1028 and Kerala 860.
Q27. Who is known as the father of Indian census?
A. Lord Mayo
B. Adam Smith
C. Lord Curzon
D. Henry Walter
Ans 😀
🔰The first known census for citizens Mwas done in 1830 by Henry Walter in Daac (also known as Dhaka).
Therefore, Henry Walter is known as the ather of Indian Census.
Q28. Who was the 2011 census commissioner of India?
A. C M Chandramauli
B. David Das
C. Rana Rajput
D. Manmohan Singh
Ans :A
🔰C. M. Chandramauli was the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for the 2011 Indian Census.
Q29. According to the census 2011, Which state has the highest population of tigers in India? (526)
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Uttarakhand
D. West Bengal
Ans :B
🔰Madhya Pradesh became the Tiger state of India with 526 Tigers.
Karnataka is the second position with 524 Royal Bengal Tiger population.
Uttrakhand is third with 442 Tigers Population.
Q30. Which was the second most populated state of India according to the census of 2011?
A. Maharashtra
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Uttarakhand
D. West Bengal
Ans :A
🔰Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state in India. The other two most
populated states in India are Maharashtra and Bihar.
A census involves the complete enumeration of the population in a country, territory or area, and should be conducted at least once every 10 years. (Collecting and analysing the data)
The Government of India decided in May 1949 to take steps to develop a systematic collection of data on population size, its growth, etc.
While it has been undertaken every 10 years, beginning in 1872 under British Viceroy Lord Mayo, the first complete census was taken in 1881.
Post 1949, it has been conducted by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
• Census commissioner/Registar General – Mrityunjay Kumar Narayan
First Complete census of a Indian city- Dacca
Henry Walter is known as the father of the Indian Census. (1830)
- The Census was first started under British Viceroy Lord Mayo in 1872.
- The first synchronous census was taken under British rule on February 17, 1881, by W.C. Plowden, Census Commissioner of India.
- During that time Lord Ripon was Viceroy of India.
- Census Act 1948
Literacy Rate
Literacy Rate in India (Category) Data from Census of India 2011
Males 82.14%
Females 65.46%
Overall Literacy 74%
Population grew by 17.7%
Population Density – 382
SC Percentage-16.6%
ST Percentage-8.6%
1st census of independent India- 9 Feb 1951
SEX RATIO- is the number of females per 1000 males
Adult Sex ratio- 943/1000 males
•State with the highest sex ratio- Kerala
•State with the lowest sex ratio- Haryana
•Union territory with highest sexratio- – Puducherry
•Union territory with least sex ratio- Daman and Diu
•CM Chandramauli- Census Commissioner
- Slogan- Our Census Our Future
•15th Census (largest)
•14th uninterrupted and synchronised census- 14th
•State with the highest population density – Delhi
•State with the lowest population density – Andaman and Nicobar
•State with the highest population density Bihar
•State with the lowest population density Arunachal Pradesh
•Union territory with least population Lakshadweep
•Union territory with highest population. Delhi
•State with the highest population Uttar Pradesh
•State with the lowest population Sikkim
•State with the highest sex ratio Kerala
•State with the lowest sex ratio Haryana
•State with the highest literacy rate Kerala
•State with the lowest literacy rate- Bihar
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Sidhant Singh is a highly accomplished professional educator with a diverse academic background. He holds a Master’s degree in History, an MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD, demonstrating his extensive knowledge and expertise in both the humanities and the sciences. His unique combination of skills enables him to offer a well-rounded perspective in his teaching and research, making him a valuable resource for students across various fields.