COMPUTER MCQS for all Exams PART 2

In this blogpost we will discuss more mcqs which we were not able to cover in the previous part link for the same is here

MCQs of Computer

Q41. Which is the language usually used by children in the program of a computer?
(A) Basic
(B) Java
(C) Logo
(D) Pilot
Ans :C

Language Of Graphics Oriented.

QA general-purpose language, Logo is widely known forits use of turtle graphics, in which commands formovement and drawing produced line or vector graphics, either on screen or witha small robot termeda turtle.

Q42. IC chips used in computers are made up of
(A) Chromium
(B) Iron Oxide
(C) Silver
(D) Silicon
Ans 😀

IC chips used in computers are made up of Silicon is the primary element in computer chips.
Silicon isa highly pure element which is now perfect for the massive computer chip

It is cost efficent and easy to use.

Q43. Which of the following is a volatile memory of a computer

(A) Secondary Memory
(B) Cache memory

Ans :C

RAM stands for random-access memory.

RAM is essentially short term memory where data is stored as the processor needs it.

Q44. IC’ in computers stands for?
(A) Integrated Charge
(B) Integrated Current
(C) Integrated Circuits
(D) Circuits
Ans :C

The full form of IC is the Integrated Circuit. It isa small size electronic device constructed from semiconductor material which includes many microscopic elements, such as Diodes, Transistors.

Q45. Where was India’s first computer installed?
1) Indian Institute of Technology. Delhi
2) Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
3) Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Burpur
4 ) Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta

Ans 😀

British-built HEC 2M computer, happened to be the first digital computer in India, which was imported and installed in Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, during 1955.

Q46. The symbols used in an assembly language are
(A) Codes
(B) Mnemonics
(C) Assembler
(D) Machine codes
Ans :B
The symbols used in an assembly language are called Mnemonics.Mnemonics.

Mnemonic isa phrase, symbol, or word used to define or identify a computing function.

Q47. Where areprograms and data to be used by the computer avail- able
(A) Processing Unit
(B) Output
(C) Storage
(D) Input
Storage device is hardware that is used forstoring, porting, or extracting data files.

It can also store information/data both temporarily and permanently.

Where are programs and data to be used by the computer available.

Q48. C-DAC (Centre for Development and Advanced Computing) was established in which year?
A) 1988
B) 1934
C) 1967
D) 1988

Ans A
The setting up of C-DAC in 1988 itself was to built Supercomputers in context of denial of import of Supercomputers by
Since then C-DAC has bee undertaking building of multiple generations of

Supercomputerstarting from PARAM with GF in 1988.

Q49. By default, the documents print in __ mode?
A) Landscape
B) Portrait
C) Page Setup
D) Print View


Bythedefault, your documents print in portrait-oriented mode.

Q50. Which of the following refers to a small, single site network
Ans :A

QA local area network isa computer network that interconnectscomputers with in a limited area such asa residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building.

Q51. Where is RAM located?
A) Mother Board
B) Expansion Board
C) External Drive
D) None
RAM is usually stored outside the CPU in, separate chips.

RAM memory modules are installed into slots on the computer motherboard.

Q51. Junk e-mail is also called__________

A) Spam
B) Spoof
C) Sniffer script
D) Spool

Email spam, also referred to as junk email, spam mail, or simply spam, is unsolicited messages sent in bulk by email (spamming).

Q52. 1 GB gigabyte (GB) is equal to how many bytes?
(A) 1024 KB
(B) 1024 MB
(C) 1024 GB
(D) 1024 TB

Q53. __ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors?
A) Tracking
B) Formatting
C) Crashing
D) Allotting
Ans: B

The process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors is called formatting. In computer disk storage, a sector is a subdivision ofa track ona magnetic disk or optical disc.

Q54.A _ is a software program used to view Web pages.
A) site
B) host
C) link
D) browser

A isa software program used toview Web pages.

Browser: A software application used to locate and display Web pages. The two most popular browsers are Microsoft
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

Q55. A computer cannot “boot” if it does not have the _
A) Compiler
B) Loader
C) Operating system
D) Assembler

Hence, without an operating system, a computer cannot boot, as it also provides services for the computer programs

Q56. The First Mechanical Computer Designed by Charles Babbage was called
A) Super Computer
B) Abacus
C) Calculator
D) Analytical Engine

The First Mechanical Computer Designed by Charles Babbage was called Analytical Engine, generally considered the first computer, designed and partly built by the English inventor Charles Babbage in the 19th century.

Q57. The first computer was programmed using …….
A) Assembly language
B) Machine language
C) Spaghetti code
D) Source code

Machine language was used in creating the first computer programming system.

In terms of functionality, this language is a binary digit system.

Q58. What is the full form ofBASIC incontext of the BASIC computer language?
A) Beginners All purpose Systematic Instruction Code
B) Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
C) Beginners All purpose Symbolic Input Code
D) Beginner s All purpose Symbolic Input output Code


Q59.Which of the following is not a search engine?
(A) Google
(B) Yahoo
(C) Baidu
(D) Wolfram Alpha
Ans 😀
WolframAlpha is an answer engine developed by Wolfram Research.

It answers factual queries by computing answers from externally sourced data.

Date launched: 15 May 2009

Q60. The supercomputer MACH was developed by which IIT?
A. Bombay
B. Chennai
C. Delhi
D. Kanpur
The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay isa public research university


The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay is a public research university and technical institute in Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Q61. The first book on Personal Computer was written by whom?
A. Lady Augusta Lovelace
B. Ted Nelson*
C. Charles Babbage
D. Von Neumann

TedNelsonwrotethe book’Computer, Liberation and Dream Machine’, the first p book on personal computers.

Q62. Who developed the first mechanical calculator known asPascalene?
A. Blaise Pascal*
B. Von Neumann
C. Charles Babbage
D. Ted Nelson

Pascaline, also called Arithmetic Machine, the first calculator or adding machine to be produced in any quantity and actually used.

The Pascaline was designed and built by the French mathematician-philosopher Blaise Pascal between 1642 and 1644.

Q63. The word computer is derived from an English word compute which means?
A. To calculate*
B. To capture
C. To connect
D.To control

Ans :A
The word “Computer” comes from the word “compute” which means to calculate.

A computer is an electronic device, which stores and processes data to give meaningful information.

Q64. In which year India announced it’s New Computer Policy
A. 1987
B. 1980
C. 1945
D. 1984
Ans 😀
The first Computer Policy of 1984 and Software Policy of 1986 emphasised the concept of software development and
export through data communication links.

Q65. What was the name of the first programming language?
A. Puthon
C. Java
Ans :B

FORTRAN was thefirst computer programming language that was widely used.

Designed by: John Backus

First appeared: 1957

Q66.Who had created the first computer program?

A. Howard Ekin
B. Charles Babbage
C. Von Neumann
D. Lady Augusta Lovelace*

Ans 😀

Ada Lovelace has been called the world’s first computer programmer.

In the “1840s, she wrote the world’s first machine algorithm for an early computing machine that existed only on paper.

Q67. What is the full form of EDVAC?

A. Electric Desperate Varying Computer
B. Electronic Descrete ViscousComputer
C. Electric Descrete Variable Computer
D. Electric Design Variety Computer

Ans :C

EDVAC was designed in 1944 and built in the 1940s, before being installed in the U.S. Army’s Ballistics Research Laboratory in Maryland in August of 1940. Asa binary serial computer, EDVAC processed mathematical operations witha serial memory capacity of roughly 5.5 kB.

Q68. Which keyboard shortcut is used to copy ’ in computer?

A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+A
C. Ctrl+P
D. Ctrl+V

Ans :A

Cut (Ctrl+ X)
(Copy (Ctrl+ C)
(Paste (Ctrl+ V)
(Undo (Ctrl+ Z)

Q69. 1 Kilobyte (KB) is equal to how many bytes?
(A) 1024 byte*
(B) 1024 megabytes
(C) 1024 gigabytes
(D) none of these

Ans :A

Q70. Who developed the first mechanical computer Mark 1 ‘
A. Howard Ekin*
B. Charles Babbage
C. Cliff Berry
D. Von Neumann


Howard Ekin developed the first Mechanical Computer ’Mark — 1’ in 1937.

J.P. Ekart and John Moschley invented “world’s first electronic computer’ENIAC-1’ in 1946.

Q71. What was the name of India’s first Computer University (in private sector)?
A. Narendra Modi Computer University
B. Rajeev Gandhi Computer University
C. Indira Gandhi Computer University
D. Sardar Patel Computer University?

Rajiv Gandhi University has beena Central University under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India since9 April 2007.

Q72. How many bits are there in 1 byte?

A. 10
B. 15
C. 4
D. 8

Ans 😀

Q73. What doesO stands for in BIOS?
A. Output
B. Outgoing
C. Operation
D. Outstanding
BIOS (basic input/output system) is the programa computer’s microprocessor uses to start the computer system after it is powered on. ands for in BIOS?

Q74. Who developed the IC chips?
A. JS Kilbi*
B. Cliff Berry
C. Howard Ekin
D. Von Neumann
Ans :A

Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments patented the principle of integration, created the prototype ICs and commercialized them.

On Sept. 12, 1958, Jack Kilby, a TI engineer, invented the integrated circuit.

Q75. Which keyboard shortcut is used for selecting all ’ in computer

A. Ctrl+V
C. Ctrl+X
D. Ctrl+Z
Ans: B

Q76.What was the name of first computer develpoed in india?
A. Siddharth*
B. Aryabhatt
C. Bhanumati
D. Vishesh
Siddhartha was the first computer eveloped in India. It was manufactured by the Electronics Corporation of India. It was installed in the Main Post Office of 16, 1986. the first super-computer developed in India.

Q77. Which part of the computer is used for calculation and comparison?
(A) Disk Unit
(B) Modem
(C) ALU*
(D) Control Unit

An arithmetic-logic unit is the part ofa central processing unit that carries out arithmetic and logic operations on the operands in computer instruction words.

Q78.What does B stands for in DBMS
A. Basic
B. Blowing
C. Base
D. Busy

Database management systems are software systems used to manage and manipulate data ina database.

Q79 Which of the following is optical memory?
(A) bubble memories
(B) Floppy disk
(C) CD
(D) Core Memories
Ans :C

CD-ROM isa type of read-only, memory consisting ofa pre-pressed optical compact disc that contains data erase CD-ROMs.

Q80. Who is the author of the book‘Soul of New Machine’?

A. Ted Nelson
B. Howard Ekin
C. Charles Babbage
D. Cliff Berry
Ans :A

Q81. An error in computer is known as?
A. Vug
B. Skew
C. Bug
D. Scroll


A bugis an unexpected problem with software or hardware. Typical problems are often the result of external interference with the program’s performance that was not anticipated by the developer.

Q82. In Internet address, the term http is the correct expanded form of?
(A) higher text transfer protocol
(B) higher transfer tex protocol
(C) hybrid text transfer protocol
(D) hyper text transfer protocol

Do share with those who are preparing for the exams.

Also Read: 150 General Knowledge Questions and Answers

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